Turkey, Russia to discuss trade on agricultural products in Sochi


Turkey and Russia will discuss ways to enhance trade on agricultural products as the former expects the lifting of all sanctions imposed on Turkish food supplies amid an acceleration in the normalization of bilateral ties between the two countries. 

Turkish Agriculture Minister Faruk Çelik will meet Russian counterpart Alexandr Tkachyov on Nov. 18 in Sochi on the sidelines of an international agriculture fair with the participation of a large delegation from both sides. 

Russia has lifted some of the trade sanctions it imposed on Turkish products after Ankara expressed its regret for the downing of a Russian warplane on Nov. 24, 2015. 

The Turkish and Russian presidents, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Vladimir Putin, have held three separate meetings since July and signed the Turkish Stream natural gas pipeline as well as agreed to further develop ties in the field of economy, trade, transportation and tourism. However, there are still some restrictions imposed on the Turkish export of agricultural products to Russia. 

"In our meeting in Sochi, we'll discuss all these issues," Çelik told the Hürriyet Daily News on Nov. 17 in an interview. "Sanctions will be lifted but it will take some time. Our geography and our agricultural products are indispensable for Russia. They have to import our tomatoes and citrus products."  

Russia imported some of its needs from other countries while it imposed sanctions on Turkey but talks to be held between the two countries would open the doors of the Russian market to Turkish products, the minister said. 

However, the agenda of the two ministers will not be limited to the lifting of sanctions. Russia recently proposed exporting red meat to Turkey in order to supply the needs of the...

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