Weather Forcast for Bulgaria: Before Noon Sunshine will Prevail over most of the Country

Sofia. Today, before noon, sunshine will prevail over most of the country. Atmospheric pressure is lower than the average for July and will be without significant change. Around the afternoon, cloudy clouds will develop again and in many places there will be brief, intense rainfall in separate regions accompanied by thunder and temporary wind gains. There will be hailstorm conditions. The maximum temperatures will be between 28 ° and 33 °, in Sofia - about 28 °. Such is the forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Boryana Markova, the watch-keeping watchdog, told FOCUS News Agency.
The Black Sea will be sunny before noon. Around the afternoon, cloudy clouds will develop, and in many places it will fly over and over. It will be almost quiet. Maximum temperatures: 28 ° -31 °. The sea water temperature is 25 ° -27 °. The excitement of the sea will be 1-2 bales.
There will be sunny weather in the mountains. Around the afternoon, cloudy cloudy clouds will develop and there will be short-light rains with thunder, in some places they will be intense. It will blow a mild to moderate wind from the north-northwest. Maximum temperature at a height of 1200 meters around 22 °, at 2000 meters - about 16 °.

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