Russia Warns of Strikes on UK Sites if Ukraine Uses British Weapons

Moscow has issued a stern warning, stating that it will target British sites if British weapons are used by Ukraine to strike Russian territory. This statement was made by Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, and reported by Reuters.

Zakharova indicated that British targets both within Ukraine and beyond could be attacked under such circumstances. This reiterates Moscow's earlier warning issued after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron remarked that Ukraine had the right to use British weapons to hit Russian targets.

Russia responded angrily to Cameron's statement, citing it as one of the reasons for conducting tactical nuclear missile simulation exercises earlier this month. Zakharova also emphasized that Moscow does not form military alliances or blocs, even with China.

Addressing the potential membership of Ukraine and Moldova in the European Union, she noted that such a move would signify further NATO expansion eastward.

Zakharova reiterated Moscow's stance on maintaining space free of weapons, a statement following the recent failure of a Russian-sponsored UN Security Council resolution. The resolution had urged countries to prevent the deployment, threat, or use of any weapons in space indefinitely.

Additionally, Zakharova accused the US of blackmailing Georgia over the "foreign agents" law passed by the Georgian parliament this month. The US has threatened to cut aid to Georgia and impose sanctions on officials due to the bill, which has led to significant protests in Georgia.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken commented that the law was reminiscent of tactics from "Moscow's playbook," expressing serious concerns and indicating that Washington was contemplating further actions.

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