Vucevic: I conveyed concern over UNGA resolution to Tajani

TRIESTE - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said on Friday in Trieste he had conveyed to Italian FM Antonio Tajani the Serbs' disappointment and concern over a Srebrenica resolution adopted in the UN General Assembly, while noting that Serbia was proud as the majority of mankind had not voted for the resolution.

"I am afraid it (the resolution) brings nothing good, but reawakens the spirits of the past - I hope Tajani is right and not I," Vucevic told a press conference with Tajani after the Italian FM said the resolution was not aimed at pinning the blame on Serbia and that responsibility was individual.

Vucevic also said he had voiced concern over the situation in Kosovo-Metohija, asking Italy to do everything in its power to prevent an escalation in the territory.

"I asked Tajani that Pristina be warned. It is high time a Community of Serb Municipalities was formed...

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