Vucevic: Truth is on our side, we will not give up on that

TRIESTE - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said on Friday in Trieste the truth was on Serbia's side and that, while the UN General Assembly resolution on Srebrenica might be technically legal, it was essentially illegitimate as the majority of UNGA member states had not voted for it.

"Only one thing, one fact, is on our side - the truth. It is the truth and we must not give up on that," Vucevic told Tanjug in a statement.

He said that, besides economic affairs, his discussions with Italian FM Antonio Tajani had addressed political issues such as the Srebrenica resolution - co-sponsored by Italy - and Kosovo-Metohija.

He said bilateral cooperation with Italy was good but that there were some outstanding issues.

"Today, there is a collective feeling of disappointment in Serbia in those who sponsored that disgraceful resolution and voted for it. That is not just...

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