DefMin: Russia Spreading Rumors of 'War Preparation' in Bulgaria

Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev Photo: BGNES

Bulgarian Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev feels that there is a Russian propaganda center in Bulgaria attempting to create tension in the local and international communities over a possible war preparation.

''I have that feeling because the sources are always the same,'' he said in an interview for NOVA television. ''Also, the people who create what I am going to call ''hysteria'' are also always the same. The idea is to create panic and confusion, and to imply that we are going to do something against Russia or Ukraine. ''

His comments come a day after Voice of Russia's Bulgarian-language website ran a report citing the TV station of far-right Ataka party, according to which scores of men received call-up orders in cities and towns such as Sofia, Sliven and Shumen.

The purpose was to "inform [young people] where they have to show upin case of mobilization and military action."

On Tuesday Nenchev denied that mobilization of military servants was under way. He added that the procedure conducted at the moment is routine and aims at establishing how many people of all 3 000 registered for service are currently living in Bulgaria and are in good health condition.

Ataka had also raised a series of speculations after after the announcement regarding the stationing of a NATO Command Centre in Bulgaria.

''The threats for Bulgaria from its involvement in a dangerous adventure as a satellite of NATO in Eastern Europe, not too far from the borders of Ukraine and Russia, are very realistic,'' was stated in the Bulgarian edition of The Voice of Russia radio.

Minister Nenchev mentioned that the military polygon at Novo Selo will host 77 joined training programs with NATO over the course of the next year. He, however, pointed out...

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