Eurostat: Nearly 2/3 of Bulgarians Feel Good About their Health

About 66% of Bulgarians (or nearly two-thirds of the population in Bulgaria) give a "good" or "very good" assessment of their health as a whole, according to Eurostat data on the self-assessment of the health status of Europeans in 2016.
About 22% of Bulgarians consider their health as "satisfactory," and about 12% think they have "bad" or "very bad" health. According to the analysis, self-assessment of health depends largely on the gender and age of the interviewed individual - for example, men in our country give a higher degree of positive health status (about 70% of respondents), while only 63% of women enjoy good health.
With age, naturally, health self-assessment is also deteriorating, European statistics show. For example, for Bulgarians aged over 65, the self-assessment of "good" or "very good health" falls to about 25%, or just every fourth of our compatriot in this age category is satisfied with their health status. However, about 30% or every third adult Bulgarian in this age group declares that he is in poor or very poor health. Meanwhile, Bulgarians aged 25-64, 75 to 80% say they are in good health.
About 45% of respondents said they had chronic illness (40% men) and (48% women), while another 55% said they had no long-term health problem. According to respondents, the most common chronic illness in Bulgaria in 2016 was hypertension - nearly 30% of men and women claim to have high blood pressure or other heart problems.

More than two-thirds (67%) of people over the age of 16 living in the EU perceive their health status in 2016 as good or very good, Eurostat reports. The highest percentage of positive health status reported among the EU Member States was in Ireland (83%), Cyprus (79%), the Netherlands (76%), Sweden ...

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