PM Borisov in Athens: We are Committed to the Unity and Power of the EU

"We are committed to the unity and power of the European Union. As such, we are much more suited and stronger as partners of the Arab world. The EU with its values is an example which the Arab world can use for the rule of law, the rights of women and children," Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said at the opening of the third EU-Arab World Summit in Athens, as quaoted by the government's press office on 29th of October, reports BNT.

The Bulgarian Prime Minister pointed out that the values we all have to defend in order to work more calmly in the coming years are paramount.

Speaking at the summit in Athens, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov reminded that the issue of the connectivity of the countries of the Western Balkans was again put on the agenda during the Bulgarian presidency of the Council of the EU.

"I see enormous opportunities in the Balkans as a whole," Borissov said, and added that the regular quadrilateral meetings with Romania, Greece and Serbia aimed to make the Balkan region more competitive. During the forum, the Bulgarian Prime Minister expressed hope for the completion of the construction of the liquefied gas interconnector with Greece by the end of the year. He said that this would be one of his highlights in the conversation with the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Varna on 2 November.

At the Athens forum, the Bulgarian Prime Minister stressed the need to create food hubs in the Balkans to help the regions from which migrants come. "The migration wave that floods us in Europe and literally broke a lot of countries shows that we need to think about Africa, about those countries in the world where hunger is a problem," Boyko Borissov said.

Speaking to the EU-Arab World Summit participants, the Bulgarian...

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