Eurostat: EU Organic Area up 34% since 2012

The total organic area in the European Union (EU) was 13.4 million hectares in 2018, corresponding to 7.5% of the total utilised agricultural area. This represents an increase of 34% between 2012 and 2018. Among the EU Member States, the countries with the largest shares of organic area in 2018 were Austria (24.1% of total utilised agricultural area), Estonia (20.6%) and Sweden (20.3%), followed by Italy (15.2%), Czechia (14.8%), Latvia (14.5%), Finland (13.1%) and Slovenia (10.0%).

In the remaining EU Member States, the share of organic area was below 10 %, with the lowest proportions observed in Malta (0.4%), Romania (2.4%), Bulgaria, Ireland and the United Kingdom (each with 2.6%), Eurostat data showed.

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