Orban: Serbia can always count on Hungary

BUDAPEST - If the European Council includes the Brussels and Ohrid agreements in Serbia's EU accession talks, which Serbia opposes, Belgrade can always count on Hungary, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban told Tanjug in an interview.

"It's a very complicated issue and Serbia can always count on Hungary," Orban said when asked about next week's EU-Western Balkans summit, when a decision on the move could be made.

He added that the situation in Kosovo-Metohija was a very complicated issue and that he would not like to make any judgment on the situation.

"What I have seen in the last several years that you Serbs are constantly provoked. It's a provocation. And you can react well, or you're not aware of the provocation, but whatever your reaction is, don't forget that the starting point is the provocation. And we have minorities in many countries, and we know how the...

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