Vučić: The goal - 140 or 150 billion in the next 10 years PHOTO/VIDEO

On the eve of the summit, Vui assessed that connecting economies, removing obstacles and progressing towards a single market are "big goals that lead to the essential development" of Serbia and the region and a better future for all citizens.
At the summit held in the Congress Palace, the European integration of the region and the implementation of the growth plan for the Western Balkans will be discussed.
It is planned to hold two plenary sessions, which are dedicated to the gradual introduction of the single market and the implementation of the growth plan.
The European Union Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Oliver Varhelyi will also attend the summit.
The growth plan for the Western Balkans envisages financial support of six billion euros, of which two billion are non-reimbursable grants, and four billion are soft loans given by the EU, with the aim of stimulating the economic growth of the region and speeding up socio-economic harmonization.
The plan covers the period from 2024 to 2027 and foresees that each government of the Western Balkans six will receive a certain amount of money every six months, depending on the reforms it implemented during that period.
The leaders of the Western Balkans discussed the growth plan with EU and US officials in Skopje in January, when the "Western Balkans and the EU" meeting was held.
Yesterday, Vui participated in the Ukraine - Southeast Europe Summit in Tirana.

"I believe it is almost up to a billion euros for us"

At border crossings, 26 million hours are spent annually, a huge savings would be achieved. Also, a huge amount of money is lost on paperwork.
"Ours are four of the five busiest crossings in this part of Europe. In any case, we still...

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