Latest News from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Serbian expats to be able to vote in 35 countries worldwide

BELGRADE - In the December 17 elections, Serbian expats will be able to vote at a record-high 81 polling stations in 35 countries around the world.

The majority of the polling stations abroad - 19 - will be in Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed by Germany with six and Austria and Italy with five each.

Erdoğan vows 'not to leave an inch of Gaza' to Israel

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has vowed staunch support for Palestinians in Gaza, pledging not to relinquish "a single inch of Gaza's land to Israel" amid the ongoing conflict with militant group Hamas.

Greece lags behind other countries in HIV diagnosis

Greece ranks among the worst performing countries in terms of time taken to diagnose HIV patients (2.9 years on average), along with Italy, Spain, Portugal, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia, according to data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

This is how Kissinger spoke about Kosovo and Metohija ​

During his rich career, he also spoke a lot about the Western Balkans, judging that Kosovo and Metohija are a "national temple" for Serbs.
Kissinger thus questioned American policy in the Balkans, saying that "there is no clear definition of US interests in the Balkans".
"Europeans should deal with events in their own backyard," Kissinger said, the Guardian recalls.

Borrell informed them: "Progress by the parties is needed"

He said that during the meeting he informed the ministers of foreign affairs of NATO member countries about the state of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and the situation in the Western Balkans.

NATO session scheduled; Western Balkans on the agenda

The focus of the meeting will be the Russian war against Ukraine and the war between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
The Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, said before the meeting that the heads of diplomacy of the member countries will discuss the possibility of a permanent increase in the number of members of the KFOR mission in Kosovo.

'No peace in Middle East unless Palestinian state is formed'

There will be no peace in the Middle East without the establishment of an independent State of Palestine, the Turkish parliament speaker has said, calling on the international community to take action to this end amid the ongoing Israeli offensive against the civilians in Gaza.

Stoltenberg to visit Belgrade during November 19-22 trip to region

BRUSSELS - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will be visiting the Western Balkans from November 19 through 22 and travel to Belgrade on Tuesday, November 21, NATO announced on Friday.

On Sunday, Stoltenberg will go to Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he will have a working dinner with the members of the country's Presidency.

Dacic meets with candidates for Serbian defence envoys

BELGRADE - Serbian Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic spoke with candidates for defence envoys who are undergoing preparations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be posted abroad.

New CHP leader plans visits to Turkish Cyprus, Azerbaijan

The recently elected leader of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has outlined his foreign policy agenda, with plans to make his first official visits to Turkish Cyprus and Azerbaijan.

Special forces raided Belgrade shopping center; They brought out five persons VIDEO

They were arrested and taken out of a cafe in the shopping center Galerija, which was published on the social network "Instagram".
According to the media, among those arrested are two brothers who are known to have mistreated people in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as can be seen in a video posted on social networks.
Thos are, as stated, the brothers Lj. and M.H.V.
