"Serbs in Kosovo could also form their army"

(Tanjug, file)

"Serbs in Kosovo could also form their army"

BELGRADE -- If armed forces of Kosovo were to be created, the Kosovo Serbs could form their own army, Milovan Drecun has been quoted as saying.

Drecun is an MP from the ranks of the ruling SNS party who chaired the Committee on Kosovo and Metohija in the previous parliament.

"If someone needs an army, which will obviously be made up of one nationality, then all the other communities have a right to care for their own safety. The Serbs could create their own army, the Romas their own, and where will it all lead?," he told the RTS.

He added that a law that would transform the Kosovo Security Forces into an army, which will today be discussed in the assembly in Priština, was "a discriminatory law that imposes the will of the Albanian side on the Serbs."

According to Drecun, it was necessary to create conditions for Serbs and other non-Albanian communities to feel safe in Kosovo, and that forming an army has instead created unease among the Serb people.

"These armed forces would be the successor to the terrorist KLA, which was transformed into the Kosovo Protection Corps, which was later renamed into something called the Kosovo Security Forces, and now some kind of army is being created that is unnecessary and destabilizing the situation, instead of stabilizing it," said Drecun .

In his view, instead of this law, the assembly in Priština should adopt the one that would create a legal framework to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities (JCC).

Drecun added that he expected a special court to prosecute crimes of the KLA in Kosovo to make "important progress."

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