Dacic Serbia backs fight against terrorism


Dacic Serbia backs fight against terrorism

Dacic: Serbia backs the fight against global terrorism and has a clear political position on the matter.

Serbia backs the fight against global terrorism and has a clear political position on the matter, the Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic, said on Sunday ahead of a trip to New York, where he will attend the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly.

"We are making changes to legal regulations that will enable us to punish people involved in conflicts around the world," Dacic said, adding that Serbia will strongly support the international fight against terrorism, including action against the Islamic State.

Speaking at a press conference, Dacic said that Serbia cannot take part in anti-terrorist air raids, but that it can assist the fight against terrorism in other ways - primarily through legislative changes, cooperation with the relevant security services of other countries, and possibly with arms shipments as well.

Serbia is not the right place for arguments between the ambassadors of Russia and the United States because it is not an international organisation where such opinions can be voiced, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Sunday.

Asked to comment on a recent verbal conflict between the two ambassadors, Dacic said that the world is in a grave crisis of trust, and that Serbia, as the country that will chair the OSCE next year, will insist on an ease in the tensions between big powers.
"Fortunately, Serbia is not part of that conflict and is not a subject of disagreements between big powers. Serbia is not the right place for raising such issues, because the ambassadors of Russia and the United States are the...

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