Refugee crisis: EU leaked document is a bomb for Greece (Read confidential report)

Plans for three million refugees within European borders and the social and economic impact this could have were examined in a confidential report on the refugee crisis dated November 10, 2015. The document obtained by Proto Thema states that the European Commission is preparing new measures that are to affect Greece.

Bloodshed in Paris on November 13, and threats of attack in London and Rome have lead Greece’s EU partners to take action. Brussels essentially believes that Greece is the edge of the European border and will give a battle to take charge of entry points that could lead to the control of border points leaving Greek control.

The leaked document foresees that three million immigrants are expected to arrive by the end of 2016. As part of the 2014 Autumn Economic Forecast, the European Commission attempted a first preliminary assessment of the macroeconomic period in the EU.

It has been assessed that 500,000 refugees have already passed through Greece with 90% of Syrians and other refugees entering the Eastern borders, a “bomb” is being prepared by the EU for the Aegean.

Measures being discussed:

More Frontex patrols in the Aegean

Europol will check people passing through Greece on suspicion of terrorism

Passenger Name Record Data is to be kept

The future of the Schengen Treaty will be discussed, with Greece being in an awkward position in these talks concerning an end to the free transport of peopel within Europe.

Here is a leaked excerpt from the EU report:


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