Survey: Bulgaria is the Most Dangerous Country in the EU: The Highest Number of Crime, Violence and Vandalism

Bulgaria is the country with the highest crime rates, the highest number of violence and vandalism, according to a survey of the European Statistical Office Eurostat.

The data is for 2017 and was published today.

The study is conducted in the context of the EU Sustainable Development Strategy and aims to identify progress in the Member States in ensuring peace, personal security and access to justice, as well as the degree of confidence in the European institutions.

 23.6% of respondents in Bulgaria confirm cases of crimes, violence, and vandalism. The percentage is the highest in the EU, much higher than the second country after Bulgaria - the Netherlands (15%), more than twice than the EU average (11.6%) and times higher than the country with the best indicators - Croatia (3%).

Under 10, the percentage is in 13 countries: Croatia (5.4%), Slovakia and Finland (6.2%), Hungary (7.2%), Estonia (7.3%), Denmark 7.8%, Portugal 7.9% , Slovenia and Latvia (8%), Lithuania (8.2%), Spain (8.7%), the Czech Republic (9.3%).

Neighboring Romania is below the EU average of 11.3%.

If there is something positive in the results, it is the comparison between the data for Bulgaria by years. In 2017 the rate for our country was 27.6.

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