It has already started: Macedonia is the first

The decision was made on the meeting of the leaders of all parliamentary parties with the country's President Stevo Pendarovski held last night, which was scheduled last Friday after the European leaders decided to postpone the start for the opening of accession negotiations with Skopje.
Zaev said after the meeting that his party, Social Democratic Union, offered to hold elections on December 22 or 29 this year, but the opposition opposed the idea because it considered that technical government needs more than a 100 days, so it will be formed on January 3, when Zaev will officially resign.
Otherwise, there is no detail about the technical government, nor who will be the technical prime minister, as well as the ministers in the fields of interior, labor and social affairs.
Zaev called urgent early elections yesterday, after the European Union failed to set a date for the opening of accession talks with Northern Macedonia.
Zaev's call was welcomed by the leaders of all political entities in the country.
Namely, numerous European officials and analysts have warned that the consequences of failing to set a date for Northern Macedonia and Albania could have far-reaching consequences for the entire region. Certainly, the country that most hoped for starting the process of EU integrations, was Northern Macedonia, which even changed its name for the sake of EU integrations.
Moreover, other EU candidate countries, including Serbia, welcomed the news on Northern Macedonia's "rejection" with anxiety, and the question remained hanging in the air - would EU ever expand into our region.

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