Vucic: When they can't blame Macron or Kurz - let's step on Vucic VIDEO

The conference is held in the Club of Deputies.
Vucic said that it was time to talk more openly about two things: how we see relations in the world, and secondly - the position of Serbia is in the future, and how we will react to political, economic and health challenges. "For days and weeks, I made analyzes of everything that happened and what could happen. We have challenges ahead of us," Vucic said.
According to him, in the previous 6 months, more things have changed than in the previous 20 years.
"Drastic changes have taken place in the world, in strength and what impact the world blocs will have in the future," he assessed.
Vucic pointed out how the pandemic affected the economy and assessed that Germany and China are coming out of the pandemic with great strength.
"China was the first to cope with the pandemic, the desire to continue what was the American desire - that is globalization and taking the position of a key player in globalization. It managed to show a dose of solidarity that many could not show," Vucic said.
He pointed out the consequences of the pandemic in the United States, but he estimated that it would recover economically faster than small countries. "In these conditions, speaking in the political, economic and military sense, the United States, China, Europe, primarily Germany and Russia stand out," Vucic said, adding that we can expect a higher level of solidarity from those countries.
Vucic said that he was the first to point out such a position of forces in the world, and added that, as Serbia, we will not accept the role of being obedient, no matter how small we are.
"While Serbia was absolutely the most unsuccessful, when we lagged behind Montenegro with the average salary, and Bosnia...

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