Kosovo Blames Serbia for Delays in Normalization Deal

Bekim Collaku, political adviser to Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, said that Serbia was to blame for the delay in integrating the judicial authorities in Serb-dominated northern Kosovo into Pristina’s system – a commitment made by Belgrade under the EU-brokered deal to normalise relations signed in April 2013.

“The delays were caused by the Serbian side,” Collaku told Radio Free Europe.

“We expect these delays to be finally resolved so we can start putting the deal concretely on the ground,” he said.

His criticism came ahead of the 23rd round of EU-mediated talks between Pristina and Belgrade schedule due be held on Monday.

The Brussels agreement signed in April last year envisions forming an Association of Serbian Municipalities in Kosovo with broad powers, which will include the four Serb-run northern municipalities of North Mitrovica, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok.

Since the end of the Kosovo conflict in the late 1990s, northern Kosovo had been beyond the Pristina government’s control, while Serbia financed local security, judicial, health and educational institutions.

Last year’s deal underlined that by the end of 2013 “the integration of judicial authorities will have been completed”.

“All Serbian court premises in Kosovo will have been closed, as new bodies are set up and personnel integrated into the Kosovo system,” the agreement’s implementation plan says.

However this has not happened so far, Collaku said.

He said that Serbia “is aware it can’t delay the implementation of the agreement for normalizing relations forever”.

“In line with the integration process into the EU, we expect more consistency and seriousness from Serbia in implementing all...

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