Kosovo army would be rearmed KLA - Czech president

Miloš Zeman (Tanjug)

Kosovo army would be rearmed KLA - Czech president

BELGRADE -- Czech President Miloš Zeman has said that creating the armed forces of Kosovo would only mean that the KLA, responsible for terrorist actions, has been rearmed.

"Considering that the KLA carried out a whole series of terrorist actions during the war in Yugoslavia, I would be apprehensive of an independent Kosovo army that would be nothing but an armed KLA," he told Czech reporters accompanying him on his visit to Serbia and Slovenia.

Zemana also noted that the disbanding of the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) "a component part of peace agreements."

"And now, they would effectively renew it. I am of the opinion that Kosovo, which a number of countries has not recognized, is, to put it mildly, a very strange state. A state with a strong influence of narco-mafias," he told Czech reporters on Wednesday, as he was wrapping up his two-day visit to Serbia.

Zeman also noted that it was suspected that the KLA was allegedly involved in human organ trafficking, and that a Council of Europe report in 2010 "warned of the accusations" that surfaced in the international public in 2008.

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