Putin Urges Israel not to Take Action in Syria

Source: Twitter

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Wednesday, and the Russian leader urged Israel not to take action in Syria and to threaten its security. Israeli officials confirmed the call took place and said that Netanyahu told Putin that Israel will not permit Iran to set up a military presence in Syria.

The news of the telephone call between Netanyahu and Putin appeared as Netanyahu took the stage in Israel's main Holocaust memorial event and issued a threat to Iran not to "test Israel's resolve." The Russians announced the call in statement on the website of the Kremlin, which specified that Putin insisted it is "important" to maintain Syria's sovereignty.

Israel is on high alert for any Iranian retaliation after Tehran's direct threat Tuesday, as well as any possible U.S. strike against Syria's Assad regime in retaliation to the chemical attack at Douma.

Netanyahu lashed out at Iran during his Holocaust memorial speech, saying it was still intent on destroying Israel. Netanyahu also ripped into the landmark nuclear accord reached between Teheran and world powers and said: "I have a message for the leaders of Iran: Don't test Israel's resolve."

Netanyahu also took the opportunity to condemn the Syrian regime and the recent chemical attack in Syria, saying that "murderous evil that is not stood up against spreads rapidly."

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