National holiday to be marked for the first time: Cavalry, helicopters and fireworks

The holiday Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag Day is being marked for the first time, and on that occasion, numerous manifestations will be held in Belgrade, while the central ceremony on Sava Square, next to the monument to Stefan Nemanja.
Today, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vui, is visiting the display of weapons and military equipment, which the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army are organizing in the Ue Park in New Belgrade, Office for Media of the President of the Republic announced.
The program envisages that after the helicopter parade, the anthem of Serbia "God of Justice" will follow, which will be performed by the RTS choir, followed by the song "The Dawn is breaking" performed by Dejan Petrovi and the Big Band.
Patriarch Porfirije, Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, and President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic will address the ceremony. The program will end with the performance of the song "This is Serbia" and fireworks over Belgrade.
The holiday - the Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag Day was established last year, and it was chosen to be September 15 - the Day of the Breakthrough of the Salonika Front.
In order to establish this holiday, all our people, wherever they live, Serbs worldwide, are invited to display the Serbian national flag, one of the symbols of Serbia, on that day, where they live, on a house or building.
Tomorrow, the Assemblies of Serbia and RS should adopt the Law on the Use of the Serbian Language in Public Life and the Protection and Preservation of the Cyrillic Alphabet, an identical act, which defines the establishment of additional measures aimed at nurturing the Serbian language and Cyrillic alphabet, as well as cultural and traditional...

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