Irked by Athens’ internationalistion of provocations, Sabah Op-ed slams PM as ‘wannabe Zelenskyy’

By George Gilson

The Turkish pro-government Sabah daily's columnist Melih Altinok is not very happy that Kyriakos Mitsotakis is the prime Minister of Greece.

In a vitriolic attack against both Mitsotakis and the West, entitled "Mitsotakis: A wannabe Zelenskyy", the columnist blames the Greek PM for the rapid deterioration in Greek-Turkish relations, claiming that it is Greece and not Turkey that is responsible for the escalation of tensions in the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean, though both the EU and the US have repeatedly criticised Turkey for its provocations against Greece and its sovereign rights in both regions.

Greece sends letters to NATO, UN, EU on Turkish violations, Erdogan threatens landing on Greek island

Ironically, the article is entirely self-contradictory as it offers quotes of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that amount to a clear threat of a declaration of war against Greece.

«Look at the history. If you go too far, it will cost you dearly. We have one sentence for Greece: Do not forget Izmir. We do not care that you invaded the islands or elsewhere. When the time comes, we will do what is necessary. One night we can suddenly come,» the article quoted Erdogan as saying in recent statements that caused a fuss in the Greek media, which is clearly a key objective of Turkey's president.

The US State Department recently reiterated that there is no question of Greece's sovereignty over its Aegean islands.

Erdogan's attack evoked, as always a very calm and measured response from Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias.

«In this extremely critical period, we will inform our allies and partners about the content of the provocative statements of the Turkish authorities in the recent days, in order to...

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