Chapter 35 to be "among first to be opened"


Chapter 35 to be "among first to be opened"

BELGRADE -- Jadranka Joksimovic says Chapter 35 "would certainly be one of the first chapters to open in Serbia's EU accession talks."

This chapter, according to the Tanjug report, "covers the implementation of the Brussels agreement and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue."

A new framework would be reached though the progress in the implementation of the Brussels agreement, which we expect to be achieved after the restoration of the political dialogue announced for early February 2015, and we will be able to count on opening of first chapters in the EU accession talks in the first few months of next year, the minister without portfolio in charge of EU integration said.

She noted that the EU, including the European Commission, was not certain for a while when it comes to the exact manner in which the talks on Chapter 35 would be conducted, which was an additional complication for the already difficult and sensitive matter. Nevertheless, she expressed the expectation that the resumption of the Belgrade-Pristina political dialogue would bring about some progress in the area.

During the session of the Serbian parliament European Integration Committee, Joksimovic presented the details on the situation in the EU accession talks and expressed the expectation that the year of 2015 would be a very good year for Serbia's European integration.

"I expect that we will manage to resolve the dilemmas concerning Chapter 35 and that we will soon open Chapters 23 and 24 as the most important chapters that cover rule of law, judiciary, media and minority and human rights," Joksimovic said.

Action plans for Chapter 23 and 24 have been drafted and positive comments...

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