"Serbs love those who love them" - FM meets with Austrian VC

Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache says the problem of Kosovo has not been solved in the long term.

And - Belgrade and Pristina need to arrive at a compromise solution, he said in Belgrade on Monday.

"Nothing can function unilaterally," Strache remarked during a joint news conference with Serbia's First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

Strache told reporters that it was "a reality that Austria has recognized Kosovo - but it is also a reality that Serbia sees Kosovo within its composition."

"That's a reality to Serbia, therefore this problem has not been solved in the long-term. It is necessary for both sides to meet each other halfway, and find a compromise," Strache said, recalling that out of 193 UN member-states - "105 have recognized Kosovo."

Kosovo is Serbia's southern province where ethnic Albanians unilaterally declared independence ten years ago - a declaration that Serbia continues to consider a violation of its territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Speaking in Belgrade on Monday, Strache said that he, as Austria's vice-chancellor, was "not interfering on the issue" - but added that he had "understanding for the Serb side, and the Serb view of the problem" - and that a long term solution to the issue "cannot be unilateral."

"I hope a sustainable solution will be found," he told reporters.

Strache also recalled that in the past - before he joined Austria's government - he criticized his country's decision to recognize Kosovo - while Ivica Dacic spoke to say he was grateful to Strache "for not backing down from this position, even today."

"Austria stands behind its decision about Kosovo's independence, but I have understanding for the position of the Serbs. Serbia is not a problem - Serbia is a part of the solution," Strache said.

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