"US to be actively involved in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue"

The US will be actively involved in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, according to US Ambassador in Pristina Greg Delawie.

According to Tanjug, he told (Albanian language) broadcaster RTV21 in an interview that the EU is at the forefront of these negotiations, which will be "strongly supported by the United States."

Delawie said that the success of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is an essential element in achieving progress in their EU ambitions.

"I consider that to be important," he has been quoted as saying, and referring to a recent statement by EU Special Representative (in Kosovo) Nataliya Apostolova, who said that "a solution should be reached in that dialogue urgently."

She also said, the US diplomat recalled, that it was "quite clear that countries cannot negotiate forever."

"In fact, in recent years, we contributed to some successful elements that have already emerged from the dialogue, such as border management in the north and the collection of customs duties, the integration of the judiciary in the north, etc. I believe that we played an important role. We talk about the dialogue issues with the government of Kosovo here, with the government of Serbia in Belgrade, and with the EU leadership in Brussels," Delawie said, when asked whether the involvement of the United States in the Brussels dialogue was "merely an empty wish - or if there has been any official request or contact."

When the interviewer insisted that he specifies "if this means that he does not see a change in the format of the dialogue as something feasible or possible in the coming year" - Delawie replied that he thinks the format up to the European Union as someone who enables it.

"We will support it (dialogue) regardless of the format. We will participate, encourage a compromise that is beneficial for both countries and we will try...

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