"A debacle that the United States has never witnessed - Putin is laughing now"

In that situation, the security of American forces in Afghanistan depends on those who attacked the United States on September 11, 2001, after which the United States, together with its NATO allies, maintained the security of that country for almost two decades.
That is the general assessment of American military experts, which is also pointed out by retired Marine Corps General James Jones.
"I'm upset because I've never seen anything like this in my 40 years of government service as a Marine officer. I've seen some bad events like the fall of Saigon in the Vietnam War. However, this, albeit bad, event was predictable, far more predictable than this.
"This is a debacle that most Americans are not used to seeing," said Jones, who also points out that Afghanistan itself is somewhat at the mercy of other powers in the region, which use it for their own purposes, including Russia, China, Pakistan and Iran.
Our relations with Iran boil down to the fact that they are against everything we support. It is similar with Pakistan, which is close to China. "China, for its part, has launched a strategic plan to replace the United States as the main and dominant power on the planet, in every way," Jones added.
"I wouldn't be at all surprised if China starts behaving similarly in other parts of the world, in Africa and South America, for example. They do it by different means, through economic penetration, which has resulted in dominance in different cultures, different societies around the world".

FOTO: Profimedia

Russia, for its part, is extremely intolerant of NATO, Jones points out:
"Vladimir Putin passionately hates NATO. So today, while sitting in the Kremlin, he is probably smiling from ear to ear. I would not be surprised if...

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