21 years since the NATO bombing

The sirens were heard for 78 days and the total number of casualties was never determined. An estimated 1,200 to 2,500 people were killed in the 11 weeks, with total material damage estimated at tens of billions of dollars.
The attack on Serbia, or the FRY, was carried out without UN Security Council approval, which was a precedent.
The order was then issued by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana to the then commander of the Allied Forces, US General Wesley Clark.
Clark later wrote in the book "Modern Warfare" that the planning of NATO's air operation against the FRY "was well underway in mid-June 1998" and was completed by the end of August that year.

Unitena kua u aku. 5. april, 1999. Foto: EPA PHOTO/DMITRI KHRUPOV

After the Serbian Parliament confirmed that it did not accept the decision on foreign troops in its territory and suggested that United Nations forces monitor the peace settlement of the conflict in Kosovo, NATO launched air strikes with cruise missiles and aviation at several places on March 24, 1999 at 19.45 in Serbia and Montenegro.
Nineteen Alliance countries have launched bombing operations from ships in the Adriatic, and from four air bases in Italy.
First, the air defense and other objects of the Yugoslav Army were targeted, in Pristina, Batajnica, Rakovica (Strazevica), Mladenovac and elsewhere.
According to the Serbian government, at least 2,500 people were killed in the bombing, out of which 89 were children (according to some sources, the total number of deaths was almost 4,000), and more than 12,500 people were wounded and injured.
Recently released official data from the Serbian Ministry of Defense register about 1,008 killed soldiers and police officers.
Total material damage was...

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